Low Light Pistol 2
When we go the range and train, it’s generally in ideal lighting conditions. But have you ever tried performing an emergency reload or clearing a malfunction in a dark environment with a handheld light in your hand? Utilizing cover in hours of diminished light also has its own set of rules and guidelines. These are some of the key topics covered in our 3 hour Low Light Pistol 2 class. This course takes the techniques covered in Low Light Pistol 1 and builds on these manipulations by incorporating reloads, malfunctions, movement, and utilizing cover in order to enhance our students’ capabilities to defend themselves and their families when the lights go out.
Law Abiding US Citizen
Completion of Low Light Pistol 1
Packing List:
An open mind
Note taking material
A reliable semi-automatic handgun
OWB or IWB holster (no SERPA, cross-draw, ankle, shoulder, or off body holsters permitted)
2 magazines
Magazine pouch (optional)
Hand-held light
Weapon mounted light
200 rounds of ammunition
Ball cap (recommended)
Long pants (recommended)
Eye and Ear protection (available at the range for free)