DP1 – Intro to Defensive Pistol
DP1 - Intro to Defensive Pistol
Intro to Defensive Pistol lays the foundational skills for using a handgun to defend yourself and/or your loved ones. As responsibly armed citizens, our goal must be to boil the core manipulations down to a subconscious level so that we can free our brain up to process the important information; should I shoot/do I need to continue to shoot? This 3 hour class begins with a classroom presentation on mindset and situational awareness, followed by a comprehensive range session. On the range, we will cover platform (stance), correct grip, ready positions, unsighted fire (gross sight picture), firing multiple consecutive shots, and understanding the balance between speed and precision. Finally, we discuss everyday carry to provide students with the information and ability to carry their protective firearm comfortably and with confidence.
- Law Abiding US Citizen
- completion of First Shots or Carry Permit Course is recommended, but not required
Packing List:
- Reliable Semi-Auto Firearm (**rentals are available)
- 3 magazines
- 150 rounds of ammunition
- Ball cap (recommended)
- Closed-toe shoes (recommended)
- Long pants (recommended)
- Eye and Ear protection (available at the range for free)
**If you need a rental firearm, please notify us as soon as possible. Do not wait until you show up to class to inform us. Only a select number of firearms are available as loaners for this class.