DP2 – Intermediate Defensive Pistol
DP2 - Intermediate Defensive Pistol
DP2 builds on the foundational skills learned in DP1. In this 4 hour class, which is entirely on the range, we begin to work the manipulations necessary if you plan to carry a firearm, such as safely and efficiently drawing from a holster, performing emergency and tactical reloads, effectively manipulating the trigger when you have to make a low percentage/high precision shot, and clearing malfunctions. We also incorporate cognitive stress, asking students to process what they are seeing so they can employ the firearm effectively. Finally, we close out the class with data gathering, finding a student’s baseline performance level so we can effectively drive future training.
Law Abiding US Citizen
completion of DP1 or equivalent training (contact range staff if you have any questions)
Packing List:
Reliable semi-auto Firearm
3 magazines
300 rounds of ammunition
Sturdy belt
**IWB/AIWB or OWB holster (kydex recommended)
1 magazine pouch (recommended)
Ball cap (recommended)
Closed-toe shoes (recommended)
Long pants (recommended)
Eye and Ear protection (available at the range for free)
**SERPA style, shoulder, ankle, cross-draw, off-body (purse), and small of the back holsters are not permitted for use in this class or in our range