Red Dot Pistol
Red Dot Pistol
The Red Dot Pistol Course is 3 hours in duration and teaches you how to properly utilize your Red Dot optic. We break down how to effectively employ slide mounted red dot optics in order to gain both speed and accuracy. Many new users will quickly get frustrated after they install one of these optics because they are using the same techniques as they use with iron sights. We teach you the correct way to get the most out of your newly equipped Red Dot Pistol. In times that it matters, the training you participate in dictates how those situations are resolved. We are here to facilitate your learning, training, and experience.
Law abiding US citizen.
Student Packing List:
An open mind
Note taking material
A reliable handgun with slide mounted Red Dot Optic
3 magazines
magazine pouch
250 Rounds of ammunition (available for purchase at our range)